Have I found GOD ? ..no no not spiritually but meta-physically.
I’m sure I can pinpoint his location as the crafty ole bastard (didn’t have a mother either ya know) roams around his creation.
This outstanding revelation came to me as I pondered the continuous heavy rain we are now experiencing in the eastern Australia. Forget el nino and other mumbo jumbo this rain has been evoked by GOD responding to our prayers.
It was almost one year to the day that our nations leader called upon all religious orders to participate in Prayer Sunday. Calling on God to release bountiful rain to our parched, drought stricken continent. Simply praying for rain but in what timeframe? Should we expect it instantly, tomorrow, next week or just in Gods good time.
As almost everybody knows that the fastest thing in the universe is light and it travels at 300,000 kilometres per sec. Just as aircraft radar uses this method of time measurement to pinpoint aircraft accurately in our skies the very same principle must also apply to the creator who by his own hand implemented all the laws of the universe. No reasonable God would make one law for us and another for himself...right? In fact it would not be possible for our one universe to share different laws. The universe would simply not work with different sets of laws applied on the same level. It needs a common thread for any (including telepathic) communication to work at all.
So by any common denominator God is also restricted to the speed of light. The impact of this is quite staggering. Prayer communication from earth to God is not instant but restricted to speed of light (SOL)
Summing up....the “prayer for rain” event, The prayer request took 6 months (at SOL) then a return journey of 6 months for the Holy command to be implemented i.e. buckets of rain.
This would have put God at the time somewhere in the region of Oort (massive cloud of comets)…….which is about 6 months light travel from planet earth.
And that my friends is how this theory (which will soon be proved fact) developed.
My theory will have huge repercussions on today's popular religions as they struggle to deal with absolute factual scientific evidence of where God is hangin out.
Amen !!…. now we know where our all prayers are headed and why some go unanswered.
At my last reading the old fella was cruising about the fornax constellation of the Cosmos. And that my friend is a hellava long way out.
Any answers to your prayers may take more than your lifetime to be received.
That’s just the way it is !
How do i know ..because my radar told me so.
Stay tuned as I fine-tune my formulae for the GOD radar.
Then you too can have the Knowledge.
Ken Munyard
December 2010
Ha ha I like it!!! How long before God gets wind of your "radar" and starts operating in stealth-mode? Looking forward to the tweaked version....